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點擊次數:1729  更新時間:2018-12-14  【打印此頁】  【關閉


General Statement



Thank you, Mr. Chairman. 


China thanks and supports the statement made by Ambassador Marc VanHeukelen of the European Union. As one of joint proponents, China would like to share two comments, which cover sub-items a, b and c:


First, the joint proposal by the EU, China and other Members aims to respond to and address a particular Member’s concerns on appellate process, maintain and strengthen the independence and impartiality of the Appellate Body, promote text-based substantial discussions among WTO Members, and launch the selection process for Appellate Body Members as soon as possible. The crisis of the Appellate Body has lasted for more than a year without any silver lining. The individual WTO Member flagged its concerns over the appellate process, but providing no concrete suggestions or solutions. If this issue remains unresolved, the Appellate Body will cease to function after next year. The selection of Appellate Body Members has become an imminent crisis facing the WTO and needs to be resolved at the earliest time. As an ancient Chinese philosopher Mencius said, “laws alone cannot carry themselves into practice.” The dispute settlement mechanism is the core pillar of the WTO. Therefore, more than 40 Members, including the EU and China, collectively submitted the joint proposal aiming to promote the substantive discussions, so as to facilitate the crisis of the Appellate Body to be solved without any delay.



Second, China calls on all WTO Members to actively engage in the discussions and consultations, and strive to reach consensus as soon as possible. As India just said, joint proposal marks a beginning rather than the end or the final result. China urges the Chairman of the General Council could actively host the discussions and consultations after this meeting, so that the discussion momentum could be maintained through certain appropriate mechanism. Safeguarding the dispute settlement mechanism and the multilateral trading system is the shared responsibility of all WTO Members and serves the common interest of the whole membership. China hopes that every WTO Member could vigorously participate in the spirit of the constructive cooperation, take positive and pragmatic actions to solve the crisis of the Appellate Body as soon as possible, safeguard the well-functioning of the dispute settlement mechanism by collective efforts, and maintain the authoritativeness and effectiveness of the multilateral trading system. China is looking forward to furthering this work with all WTO Members. 

Thank you.


Second Intervention



Mr. Chairman, I am sorry to take the floor again.


I listened carefully to the Statement by Ambassador Shea, but felt a little disappointed and confused, though not surprised. China is willing and hopes to continue discussions on relevant issues with all WTO Members including the United States. 


I have several questions regarding the statement by the United States:


First, regarding the issue of 90 days. Of course, the existing rule stipulates the 90-day deadline for the appellate review. However, after more than twenty years, cases have become more and more complex, case materials therefore also surged. In early years cases, such as United States Gasoline (DS2), a small carton suffices for all case-related materials. That is no longer the same situation. Nowadays, we probably need dozens of cartons to pile relevant materials for almost every case. This is the reality that Appellate Body cannot finish its work on time. Given the United States’ position to oppose the increase of resources, what we should do? We are struggling to find a way, for example, in the future when we select Appellate Body members, may we look for those who are able to read ten lines at a glance or can we ask the Appellate Body members to work 16 hours, sleep 5 hours and eat for 3 hours per day? Actually, I did it myself 35 years ago, when I prepared my college entrance examination in China, but I know it is not sustainable. So my question is, what suggestions the United States would like to make under such circumstance? 


Second, regarding the issue of overreach. China also wants the Appellate Body to stay in line with its mandate, rather than expanding its adjudications. To be frank, Members do not have consensus over the criteria to determine whether the overreach occurs. Except for urging the Appellate Body to take serious note on this issue. In the United States’ opinion, what else could we do? 


Third, regarding the issue of precedent. When the Appellate Body made adjudications in previous disputes, I don’t know why these judgments cannot be used as reference? Why should we waste time and resources to redo the analysis of the already analyzed legal issues? It also runs against the judicial economy principle, which directly conflicts with the positions of the United States to enhance the efficiency of dispute settlement.


Fourth, regarding solving concerns of the United States. The United States views that some suggestions by EU, China and India will make the Appellate Body even less accountable. Could the United States give a response to the proposal regarding which of its concerns have been addressed and which are not? Does the United States have specific suggestions on how to address those remaining concerns? If not, is it the intention of the United States to sit back and wait for the paralysis of the Appellate Boddy?



Finally, Mr. Chairman, I welcome Ambassador Shea’s statement that the United States would like to engage in the deep discussions with other Members on this issue. And I hope my questions can be answered in the future in-depth discussions.

Thank you.

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